To be successful in an emergency medical responder role, you will require the following skills and abilities:
- Take responsibility for your own performance and health
- The qualities of reliability, honesty, integrity, resilience and confidence
- Actively seek opportunities and challenges for personal learning, character building and growth and take action to achieve your goals
- The willingness to work through the personal experience of an unsuccessful outcome and be able to learn from it
- Keep your emotions under control when provoked, faced with opposition or hostility or when working under stress.
- Communicate intentions, ideas and feelings openly and directly
- Welcome openness and honesty even in difficult negotiations
- Systematically organize and compare aspects of a problem and determine “if this is done then that will happen”
- Identify patterns or connections between situations that are not obviously related and categorized by linear thinking
- Make the best decisions possible with the information available
- Adapt and connect with others to work effectively in a variety of diverse situations with diverse individuals or groups
- Work collaboratively by valuing the diversity of others and fostering respect and equity in the workplace
- Encourage team members to cooperate, support each other, share knowledge and expertise
- Listen well and encourage the open exchange of information and ideas