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Youth Observation Program

The Youth Observation program targets young adults who have shown a keen interest in healthcare, specifically in paramedicine.

Building Future Paramedics with the Youth Observation Program  

Historically, many BCEHS paramedics have started their journey in community-based groups. Recognizing this, we’ve developed a pathway that not only nurtures young adults’ interest in healthcare but also strengthens our recruitment and retention efforts. This program offers several key benefits and inclusive opportunities designed to engage and support young adults in their journey towards becoming healthcare professionals. 

Inclusive Opportunities: We've designed this pathway to be adaptable across various organizations, including the High School Emergency First Responder Program, Scouts Canada’s ‘Med-Vent’ program, and lifeguard organizations. A consistent and fair approach ensures we can support many future paramedics annually. 

Youth Observation Program Structure and Benefits  

This program provides a structured, progressive pathway for members of the aforementioned organizations and others yet to be identified. It’s an investment in our future workforce, instilling a passion for paramedicine in teenagers and young adults, and attracting them to a career with BCEHS. 

Youth Observation Program Participation Requirements  

To ensure the program’s success, we have established strict parameters and guidelines: 

  • Participants must be 17 or 18 years old. 
  • They must obtain a criminal record check. 
  • They must be fit tested. 
  • They need a letter of recommendation from a prominent community member attesting to their suitability. 
  • An interview process involving their parents is required. 
  • Parental consent is mandatory for participation. 

Get in Touch  

For more information about the Youth Observation Program, please contact us at

SOURCE: Youth Observation Program ( )
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