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BCEHS Board Meetings

BCEHS generally holds eleven open board meetings per year.

The time and location of the next scheduled board meeting will be publicized at least 30 days before the meeting date and agendas are posted seven days prior to the meeting.


BCEHS 2024 open board meetings

  • February 13
  • April 9
  • May 7
  • June 11
  • July 9
  • September 10
  • November 12

Past board meetings

The board briefs, minutes and webcasts below provide an overview of past meetings. Recordings and minutes from April 29, 2021 onwards are for BCEHS only.

Public Q & A
Persons or groups wanting to ask questions of the BCEHS Board must submit their question(s) in writing, in advance of a meeting.

Submitting questions

  • In advance by 09:00 am (Monday), one (1) day before the BCEHS board meeting to the PHSA CEO Office (
  • At the meeting:
    • The BCEHS Board Chair will read the submitted question(s) and respond or direct the question to leadership for response.
    • BCEHS Board and leadership will answer questions based on the order in which they were received.
    • BCEHS Board and leadership will endeavour to answer questions during the sessions; in circumstances where more information is required to answer a question, a written response will be provided in the meeting minutes.
    • The BCEHS Board Chair may, at their discretion, extend the time allocated to answer questions.
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SOURCE: BCEHS Board Meetings ( )
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